I did have an impromptu lunchtime visit, the Boulmer Birder texted to say there was a drake smew at Druridge, I presumed an adult drake so went for a look. Yesterday's four red-heads where there but no sign of any adult drakes. On closer inspection through the gloom, one of the redheads was a first winter drake, a quick call to Stewart and all was cleared up....ahh well, never mind.

I did notice an oyc wandering about on 'Douglas Island', is this the first bird to go onto the 'douglas island list'?

It was really too dull for photo's today, but I quite liked this pochard...quite atmospheric I thought.
Wise Owl - what are the features that differentiate between an immature male Smew and a female? I am having difficulty getting an an answer elsewhere.
And I think it was Barney not Barley - or am I getting too old?
Totally distracted for several seconds by the image of a van full of transvestites twitching at Cresswell! I think your Oystercatcher may well be the first.
Liverbirder, first winter males have variable amounts of adult feathers, this one had some white in the crown and random white feathers on the flanks, when you get a close look at it, you can see it is different from the other head red-heads
Alan, If it was a van full of cross-dressers at Druridge I wouldn't bat an ayelid, in fact it would be considered tame by Druridge standards!
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